Update about the proposed redevelopment at N. Decatur and Lullwater from The DHCA president, January 16, 2021
Fellow Druid Hills Residents,
As many of you already know Tribridge Residential has filed a stream buffer variance application for the Lullwater Apartments site located at the corner of N. Decatur Rd. and Lullwater Rd. just outside Emory Village. The developer would like to redevelop the site, most of which is encumbered by FEMA floodplain and state and county stream buffers, and build upwards of 85 new units there.
The DHCA has forwarded its concerns regarding encroachments into the streambuffer and development within the floodplain to the State Environmental Protection Division. The DHCA has also been actively engaged on this issue with a number of stakeholders, including the Emory Village Alliance, the Druid Hills Golf and Country Club, and the South Fork Conservancy, as well as the developer, Tribridge Residential.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us at president@druidhills.org.
Kit Eisterhold
(DHCA President)