Clarifying our role in Druid Hills
The DHCA was founded in 1938 and over the years, it has served many roles for our neighborhood. In the 2020s, we have refocused what our organization strives to serve to our community of Druid Hills.
We are an advocate group, not an authority.
We will continue to advocate for Druid Hills as we foster relationships with public officials and other organizations. Our aim is to influence policy and regulations that affect our neighborhood.
Although we cannot make decisions about zoning and land use, we will advocate for fair and consistent interpretation of guidelines and regulations.
We do not have authority over historical guidelines and regulations in Druid Hills but we have two committees dedicated to helping homeowners navigate them - one for each of our two historic districts.
Focusing our efforts to stay true to our mission
“Connect neighbors, foster civic engagement, and steward the neighborhood’s beauty.”
Executive Board
Vice Chair
Committee Chairs
Finance (chaired by the Treasurer)
Parks & Greenspace
Preservation (2):
DeKalb Historic District (unicorporated DeKalb Co.)
Landmark District (City of Atlanta)
Public Safety (includes transportation)
Tour of Homes
Streamlined Processes
Our Executive Board (executive officers) will:
Set the agenda for board meetings using our new Standard Agenda and Dashboard format
Make decisions only in a timebound emergency. (If decision is made by the Executive Committee, it must be ratified by a vote of the board at the board’s next meeting.)
Our Committees will be empowered to carry out their charters as laid out in the strategic plan without the need to involve the board in execution. They will submit a report prior to each board meeting.
Board Meetings will be much shorter by following a Standard Agenda and Dashboard ensuring we stay on task with our goals and objectives.
Board Meetings will include a Public Comment Period in order that all our residents can have the opportunity to raise neighborhood concerns in an efficient manner. Concerned residents may contact the Board Secretary to request a 2-minute time slot to address the Board. Matters raised during the public comment period will be referred to the appropriate committee to develop a recommendation for the Board.